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Common problems and solutions of ground leveling

date posted:2016-10-09 10:37:46


1) grey ground leveling

The ground from ash, the home of the ground is not smooth, which may be caused by improper use of raw materials, and sometimes may be because of the use of expired cement, or cement grade is too low.

The surface is not smooth, this may be due to improper use of raw materials, thereby reducing the cement strength and wear resistance; low grade cement mortar, because the ground pressure light did not have a good time, or improper maintenance methods, early freezing and finished product protection without protection and so on are likely to cause all the time ground strength and abrasion resistance is not enough, causing the ground sand.

2) the ground for pingkong drum

Have the ground leveling hollowing phenomenon, this is because of the combination of the base layer and the surface layer has a problem, mainly refers to the surface of the base not up, laitance concrete base layer on surface of the base is not completely clear, no water or because of insufficient water, too much water and so on, will cause problems of hollowing ground leveling.

3) the ground leveling ground peeling

Ground peeling is the case because the primary treatment did not clean, during the construction of grassroots surface water, ground surface layer of early cold, which leads off the ground surface layer; on the other hand because of the improper treatment of surface layer, in the light pressure when the withdrawal of dry cement time too early.

4) leveling the ground fissure

If the ground leveling the ground cracks, it may be because of the use of expired metamorphism of cement, or use different labels of different types of cement, the cement stability, lead to poor performance, while the excess water in the mortar evaporation caused the volume shrinkage, resulting in cracks;

Take measures to leveling the ground construction

1) the ground leveling construction team selection

If you choose the construction of ground leveling cement mortar, it is best to choose the good quality of the cement; and for ground leveling construction units are required to be high, a good ground leveling construction team can also affect the final results of the construction.

2) cement mortar ratio

When leveling the ground construction, to ensure that the cement mortar volume ratio of not less than 1:2.5, the consistency of no more than 3.5cm, the strength grade of not less than M15. We can use mechanical mixing to measure, but to ensure that the time is not less than 2 minutes of mixing, mixing uniform, consistent color. The ratio of water to ash is better than the control in the 0.5:5, so that it can reduce the cracks produced because of loss of water, so as to ensure the workability of cement mortar and the strength of the ground.

3) construction technology

The ground leveling construction to operate in accordance with the correct process: horizontal line - clean up grassroots elastic surface layer wet base - brush cement paste - laying cement mortar, scraping the feet scraping - wood trowel, rolling compaction pressure light steel trowel (three times) - maintenance.

Key words:  Common problems and solutions of ground leveling
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