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To build China's highest quality basketball court

Basketball basketball is basketball game CBA using the specified product, and the ground is used at home and outdoor basketball courts of the highest standard silicon PU crystal face and crystal intelligence course materials both professional performance and environmental protection construction or the use of daily maintenance o.[detailed]

To undertake a variety of plastic basketball court construction projects

To undertake a variety of plastic basketball court construction projects[detailed]

Luyuan miniature golf course.

Luyuan miniature golf course.[detailed]

Artificial grass field and swimming pool, * * acid site laying

Artificial grass field and swimming pool, * * acid site laying[detailed]

Provide sports related consulting, budget, design, construction, maintenance, training and other.

Provide sports related consulting, budget, design, construction, maintenance, training and other services[detailed]

Professional network for providing Golf Services

Professional network for providing Golf Services[detailed]

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